Food. We love it. It tastes good, it satisfies our hunger, and it gives our body the fuel to function. Most of the time we are aware of the taste and the satisfaction it brings, but often we forget how it affects our bodies, and unfortunately, it doesn’t always affect us in a positive way. It’s important to know which foods will keep our brains, one of our most important organs, healthy and strong. Let’s look at some really common, easily accessible foods that are proven to boost brain health.
1. Blueberries. These may not be readily available year-round where you live, but at least for some of the year most people have access to these blue balls of deliciousness. Dr. Pratt from Scripps Memorial in La Jolla, California says, “that in animal studies researchers have found that blueberries help protect the brain from oxidative stress and may reduce the effects of age-related conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease or dementia.” This is a great natural and affordable way to help reduce the risk of cognitive decline. If you can’t get them fresh then tried freeze-dried or frozen for the same benefits.
2. Salmon. This fish is rich in Omega 3s and antioxidants. The brain needs fatty acids to function properly and this fish is packed with them. The brain is made up of fat and it is partial to a fat called DHA, which can be found in salmon (a well as sardines and herring). A small 4-ounce serving is recommended a few times a week for maximum benefits. If you can find your salmon wild, then it’s best to eat it that way, but farmed is fine if that’s what’s available to you.
3. Nuts and Seeds. There is a link between high levels of Vitamin E and and less cognitive decline as you get older. Nuts and seeds are a great source of Vitamin E and are readily available all year round. Raw or roasted is fine, but be aware of salted because of the sodium intake. Consuming nuts in butter forms (almond, peanut) is a great way to fit them in if you aren’t partial to eating them raw.
Invest in the future of your health by maintaining a healthy diet full of rich colored fruits and vegetables. Whole grains are also a huge helper of blood circulation and every organ in the body is affected by blood flow. Treats are okay every now and then too. Small amounts of caffeine and dark chocolate have been proven to help concentration and boost moods.
If you have concerns about an aging loved one or simply need some advice, please let us help you.
This information is not meant to take the place of a medical doctor. If you have concerns about your diet or health, always contact your doctor. You can find more information here.