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It’s no secret that technology is evolving at a pace that is difficult for most people to keep up with. It seems like once you master the current smartphone or social media site, another, more advanced and complicated one has already pooped up and taken over. Even so, don’t let the fear of not understanding something make you unwilling to try it. There are many wonderful pieces of technology that benefit our quality of life, so if you are a caregiver or apart of the senior community, make sure you are taking advantage of the following tools.

1.) Video chat. This comes in many different forms, but the simplest (at this time) are FaceTime from Apple and Skype which is universal. Both of the services are free and require wifi only. You can use both of the services on your smartphone, home PC, or tablet. This allows you to communicate with friends and family who may live far away, enabling you to be apart of birthdays, holidays, and other special events. It’s definitely not the same as actually being there, but if you cannot be physically present, video chat is loads better than a phone call.

2.) Video Games. Yes. You read that correctly. Studies have shown that the senior community has benefitted from the use of video game consoles through the exercise programs and games that are provided. Years ago, the Nintendo Wii made a huge splash with its motion controllers and fun exercise programs. With games like bowling, tennis, and even boxing, humans from ages 2-100 can enjoy playing these virtual games while moving their bodies at the same time. Plus they’re really fun. Now on the market there are unlimited consoles and games available to satisfy just about anyone’s desire.

3.) Health Management. This one may not be as fun as the previous two, but it is probably the most beneficial to caregivers, family members, and medical professionals. From managing medications to helpful advice for caregivers, there are hundreds of apps available to download onto your smartphone. Additionally, most doctor’s offices have switched over to digital health records and communication, so by simply visiting their website you can make an appointment, refill most prescriptions, or get a summary of your last office visit. That sure beats waiting on hold on the phone to get a question answered.

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While new technology can be intimidating, it can also be liberating once its embraced. If you are a caregiver, consider gently introducing some of these tools to your client or loved one. Better yet, if you can manage to have a grandchild give the lesson it may be more easily received. Either way, be sure to only pick one or two new things to try at first as not to overwhelm your loved one. Be patient and be prepared to give the lesson a few times over again if it’s needed.

Have fun!

These statements have not been verified by a medical professional. If you have questions or concerns regarding your health, always consult your doctor.

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