
Time is precious. Having enough time to spend with your children, your significant other, your friends, and your parents is ideal. When your mom needs help with her activities of daily living, finding the right balance can seem impossible.

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How Do Most People Spend Their Time?

Each summer the government releases the American Time Use Survey. In this report, it’s said that men work an average of 8.4 hours each day while women work an average of 7.9 hours. Commute times average around an hour each day. If you consider that to be 9 hours spent at work and add it to the recommended 8 hours of sleep, you have 8 hours left to fit everything else in.Of those 8 hours, you need to fit in things like household chores, which comes to almost 3 hours. There are also daily showers, grooming, Personal Home Care, helping children with homework, pet care, relaxation, and time to socialize.

How Much Help Does Your Mom Need?

Look at the statistics from the Family Caregiver Alliance. Family caregivers spend an average of 2.8 hours each day caring for a parent. Your mom may not need that much care, but even minimal care tends to require an hour and commute times getting to and from your mom’s house.It isn’t long before the care your mom needs is eating up all of your free time. You’ll end up having to delay plans with friends and family members. You have to push aside your appointments to have time to drive your mom to and from the doctor and dentist. You’re pairing your grocery shopping trips with your mom’s.Think about the other things your mom needs help with. If she needs you to cook her meals, you’ll spend hours each weekend getting those meals prepared and ready to reheat. If medication reminders are needed, you’ll be on the phone or stopping by to make sure she does. Consider all the time it’s going to take and see if it’s really feasible to help her with everything.

Caregivers Handle What You Don’t Have Time to Do

Senior Home Care help your mom with daily chores like meals, medication reminders, cleaning, and transportation. When you do stop by to see your mom, it’s all been taken care of. You can sit down and spend quality time for her.

Imagine joining your mom for a cup of coffee and snack. The chores have all been done. You can enjoy your mom’s company instead of having to balance her chore list and socialization. Call a Senior Home Care agency to talk about rates and options.

If you, or an aging loved-one, are considering hiring Home Care in La Jolla, CA , or the Surrounding San Diego Area, please contact the caring staff at GoldenCare today.
Call us at (760) 828-5201 today.



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