When you’re keeping track of a lot of information you can easily get overwhelmed, especially when you’re a caregiver. Having a caregiving binder gives you a chance to organize all of the paperwork that comes your way.
Copies of Important Paperwork Can Go in the Binder
You never know when you’ll need a specific bit of information. If you have a binder that you carry with you, you are able to refer to whatever you need at a moment’s notice. You might even leave the main binder at home and refer to electronic copies of documents on your phone. If the paperwork is vital, like birth certificates and other almost irreplaceable information, keep a copy in the binder. Keep the original in a fire safe in a secure location.
Use Pockets and Dividers to Categorize Information
Pockets, dividers, and page protectors can all get put to work in your binder. These can feel intimidating at first, but they can all help you to ensure that you’ve got categories for the different pieces of paper you’re safeguarding. You might have one section for bills and insurance paperwork, another for medical test results, and still another for various logs about your senior’s health, sleep, and nutrition. All of this is information you might need.
Build Your Binder as You Go
You don’t have to have all your categories, dividers, and pockets in place now. That would be impossible. As you experience more as your senior’s caregiver, you’ll get a feel for what you need to hang onto and what information needs to be in the binder. This is something that you’re creating to help you, not to give you more stress.
Your Binder’s Purpose Might Change Over Time
Just as you need to let it evolve as you go, you need to be prepared to find that the purpose of your binder might change as your needs and your senior’s needs change. They may develop health issues that require more nutritional information or you might find that you have more frequent bloodwork that you want to keep track of on a regular basis. All of this makes your binder a little bit different.
Having a binder for you to refer to as a caregiver can help you to feel a little more in charge of what’s going on, even if you’re not really able to control the details. Being organized is incredibly helpful in reducing stress, and this is an easy way to get a lot more organized.
If you, or an aging loved-one, are considering hiring Home Health Care in San Marcos, CA, or the Surrounding San Diego Area, please contact the caring staff at GoldenCare today.
Call us at (760) 828-5201 today.