Birding is a hobby shared by all ages. Bird-watchers go outside to see what birds are around. Bird-watching is relaxing and can be very surprising as you discover new types of birds. Not much is needed to become a birder. A bird identification book, binoculars, and journal are typically all that people carry.
One of the easiest ways to get your parents started is by establishing a garden that encourages birds to come. Here are tips for setting up a bird-watching garden.
Make Sure the Garden Provides Cover
Birds are cautious. They know they face dangers. Neighborhood cats, larger birds, foxes, and traffic are all risks. To overcome some of that danger, they look for cover.Bushes with ample leaves, such as a Firebush, and pine trees are excellent cover. Birds will nest in these bushes and trees, which allows your parents to hear and possibly see the babies. Some birds also look for birdhouses hanging from tall posts or trees.
Choose Flowers That Provide Seeds, Berries, and Nectar
Some birds look for flowers that offer nectar. Others look for seeds and berries. Plant a mix of these flowers in the garden beds. In the fall, the seeds from a sunflower become natural bird feeders. Honeysuckle and rhododendron flowers draw hummingbirds.Seeds from asters, echinacea, and marigolds attract small songbirds like goldfinches. Berry bushes, dogwood, and elderberry draw some of the larger birds like cedar waxwings. With a mix of seed-bearing, berry-bearing, and nectar-rich blooms, a variety of birds will flock to the garden.
Provide Water
Birds need water. Add a birdbath to the center of a garden and keep it clean and filled. You can also put small bowls out and fill them with water and pebbles. That way bees can stop and get a drink without drowning.
Add Bird Feeders
While plants are still growing and producing flowers, seeds, and berries, a bird feeder can provide food for the birds trying to raise their babies. Be cautious of bears. If you’re in an area with a lot of bears, bird feeders may not be ideal.If you still want them, get a ladder and put the bird feeder high up a tree. You could also install motion-detecting lights and sprinklers to scare and drive nocturnal animals away.Your parents will love spending time outside watching and listening to the birds. If they tend to lose track of time, Home Care help them with reminders when it’s time to take medications and eat a meal. Home Care can take care of things like housekeeping and laundry while they enjoy their independence. Call to learn more.
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