When someone ages, it is much more likely that they will experience certain health conditions. There are many common health conditions that are often found in elderly adults. Knowing more about these health conditions can help you to better take care of your elderly loved one.

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Before you learn about these conditions, know that whatever your loved one is dealing with, they should see their doctor. The doctor will recommend and prescribe the proper treatments for any of the health conditions that your elderly loved one might have.

Fragile Bones/Joint Issues

As someone gets older, they are much more likely to have fragile bones. They have a higher risk of falling and breaking, spraining, or fracturing a bone. This is very common in the hips, shoulders, knees, ankles, and wrists. The more often your elderly loved one breaks, sprains, or fractures a bone, the harder it will be for it to heal. In addition to the fragile bones, your elderly loved one is more likely to experience joint pain. This is common due to the weakened joints and bones in the body. If your loved one is experiencing these issues, have them see their doctor to determine what course of action should be taken.

Cognitive Health Issues

Your elderly loved one has a higher chance of experiencing cognitive health issues as they age, as well. Research shows that degenerative neurological disorders are more common as someone gets older. Millions of people have some type of these disorders including dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, and others, too. These disorders can cause issues with your loved one’s speech, language, memory, and ability to retain information. If your loved one starts having issues with these things, make sure they see a doctor right away. The earlier they get diagnosed with a disorder, the sooner you and their doctor can help to manage that disorder.

Chronic Health Issues

There are many elderly adults who have a chronic health illness such as diabetes, cancer, stroke, heart disease, or something else. The conditions mentioned here will impact your loved one’s life every single day. If your elderly loved one has a chronic health condition, they might need more daily care than you can give them. If this is the case, it might be time to bring in Elder Home Care providers to help care for your elderly loved one. The Elder Home Care provider can be there to support your loved one and to help manage their condition.

These are some of the health conditions that you may want to look out for in your elderly loved one. If your elderly loved one is experiencing any of these issues, be sure you talk to their doctor right away. You will want to make sure they get the treatment they need and deserve.
If you, or an aging loved-one, are considering hiring a Caregiver in Carlsbad, CA , or the Surrounding San Diego Area, please contact the caring staff at GoldenCare today.
Call us at (760) 828-5201 today.
