
Around ½ of United States citizens who are 75 or older will have cataracts. If your elderly loved one has cataracts that are impairing their ability to accomplish certain things, you can schedule them an appointment. Cataract surgery might be a good option for them. However, it is important to remind your elderly loved one that they won’t recover from that type of surgery overnight. This type of recovery takes some time. With that being said, there are many people who have benefited from cataract surgery.

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Directly After Cataract Surgery

Cataract surgery only takes approximately 10 minutes. When your elderly loved one wakes up from the sedation, their eye will probably feel quite sensitive and even scratchy. As the eye has time to heal, those feelings should go away. Their doctor will put a shield over their eye to protect it during the healing process. Your elderly loved one will also get sunglasses to wear on the way home. They can expect to head home about an hour after their surgery.It is important to know that your elderly loved one can’t drive after their cataract surgery. They need someone to drive them home. If you can’t do this, you can always see if one of their caregivers can do so.

After Getting Home

If your elderly loved one’s doctor gives them permission to do so, they can take their eyeshield off a few hours after their surgery. At this time, their vision will probably still be blurry or cloudy. This is because their eye needs time to get used to not having the cataract in their eye. In time, their vision should start getting better.It is also normal for the eyes to be bloodshot after cataract surgery. Within about 3 days following the surgery, this symptom should subside. It might look like your elderly loved one has a black eye, as well. This is due to the anesthesia injection that was used during the surgery. This will heal up just like any other bruise would.Within hours after having the surgery, your elderly loved one can use their computer, watch a television show, and take a shower. They might notice that the colors are brighter. This is because cataracts cause the eyes to see a yellow or brown tinge. Without cataracts, colors become more vibrant and clear.

In the following days, your elderly loved one might need to put a shield back over their eye while they are napping or sleeping. This helps with the healing and adjustment process.

Restrictions Following Cataract Surgery

After your elderly loved one gets cataract surgery, their eye is vulnerable. Do your best to help your elderly loved one avoid getting wind, dust, or other irritants in their eye. They shouldn’t go swimming, wear make-up, use a hot tub, or touch their eye during the healing process. This will take around 1 week.

Your elderly loved one shouldn’t exercise for several weeks after their surgery. This could put pressure on their eye. In addition, your elderly loved one should avoid vomiting and sneezing if possible.

Around 3 weeks following their surgery, they might be able to drive again.This is the information that you and your elderly loved one need to know about cataract surgery. Share this with your elderly loved one if they need to get this surgery.
If you, or an aging loved-one, are considering hiring a Home Care in Del Mar, CA, or the Surrounding San Diego Area, please contact the caring staff at GoldenCare today. Call us at (760) 828-5201 today.



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